Running the Validate A Configuration Wizard – Managing Data in a Hybrid Network

The Validate A Configuration Wizard, shown in Figure 13.15, is simple to use. You should run it after the Failover Clustering feature has been installed on each of the cluster nodes, and it can be run as many times as you need.

FIGURE 13.15 The Validate A Configuration Wizard

If you already have a cluster configured and want to run the Validate A Configuration Wizard, you can do so; however, you will not be able to run all the storage tests without taking the clustered resources offline. You will be prompted either to skip the disruptive tests or to take the clustered resources offline so that the tests can complete.

Exercise 13.3 shows the steps for running the Validate A Configuration Wizard successfully on clusters named NODEA and NODEB, which are not yet clustered.

I am using servers called NODEA and NODEB in the exercises. You need to replace these two nodes with your own two servers to complete these steps.


Running the Validate A Configuration Wizard

  1. Press the Windows Key and select Administrative Tools Failover Cluster Management.
  2. In the Actions pane (right side of screen), click Validate Configuration.
  3. At the Before You Begin screen, click Next.
  4. Type First Server Name (this is your server’s name) in the Enter Name field and click Add.
  5. Type Second Server Name (this is the second server’s name) in the Enter Name field and click Add.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Leave Run All Tests (Recommended) selected and click Next.
  8. You will see tests being run (see Figure 13.16). Let the test complete, review the report in the Summary window, and then click Finish.

9. Close the Failover Cluster Wizard.

Addressing Problems Reported by the Validate

A Configuration Wizard

After the Validate A Configuration Wizard has run, it will display the results, as shown in Figure 13.17. You can review this report in detail later using a web browser. The report is named with the date and time the wizard was run, and it is stored in %windir%\cluster\ Reports.

FIGURE 13.17 Validate A Configuration Wizard results

How should errors listed in the report be addressed? Often, the errors reported by the Validate A Configuration Wizard are self-e xplanatory; however, sometimes additional help is required. The following three guidelines should help you troubleshoot the errors:

       Read all of the errors because multiple errors may be related.

       Use the checklists available in the Windows Server help files to ensure that all the steps have been completed.

       Contact the hardware vendor for updated drivers, firmware, and guidance for using the hardware in a cluster.

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